10X Factory is the #1 Slack Channel for World-Class Entrepreneurs Looking to 10x their Growth.

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This channel has been changed from <#CBB8X8KDE|general> to <#C4KSYT5UY|-start-here> to help you get started within the 10x community. The <#CBB8X8KDE|general> channel has been moved to a channel by the same name (<#CBB8X8KDE|general>).
This channel is for team-wide communication and announcements. All team members are in this channel.


This channel is dedicated to growth and marketing strategies
Channel dedicated to the functional growth and marketing aspects of your organization. Share resources, case studies, information, industry-related news, and other relevant ideas on how to create and foster growth.


In this channel, you can post your #1 business challenge & see if our members can help you remove that bottleneck from your business or provide you with guidance.
Share what your <#C4T4U2421|1challenge> to get the 10x community of minds on your side to help brainstorm. Be as succinct as possible, with pertinent details, and listen.


This is our new general channel. Shiny and new!


This channel we discuss email marketing platforms, strategies, tools, creative & more.


Want to be on the hotseat? If so…please fill out this survey and we will get back to you with the availabilities: <[URL]> Previous: <[URL]> Cal: <[URL]>
This purpose of this channel is for members to organize hot seats with each other. This is when several members hop on video chat & try to solve someone's business challenge.


1. Who are you? 2. What you are currently doing? 3. Some interesting facts about yourself? 4. What is your #1 skill set? 5. What are you looking for?
Introduce yourself to the 10x Community. For the most impact, make it succinct. 1. Who are you? 2. What you are currently doing? 3. Some interesting facts about yourself? 4. What is your #1 skill set? 5. What are you looking for?


This is where we talk all things Facebook related.
This is about ALL things Facebook: messenger, paid ads, groups, organic reach, going live & more.


In this channel, feel free to promote your own stuff.
In this channel, feel free to pitch product, services, and pitched for opportunity to other 10x members.


All things ecommerce related.


Number of members by timezones in UTC. DST applied.
1190 Slack groups are listed on Slofile.