Group of Berlindroid, where Android developers created a community for all interested
Popular Channels
<[URL]> - check out the other channels as well <#CP80F16LC|> <#C0G2RCQ07|> and <#C09QBB1QA|> just to name the most important ones.
This channel is for team-wide communication and announcements. All team members are in this channel.
Non-work banter and water cooler conversation
A place for non-work-related flimflam, faffing, hodge-podge or jibber-jabber you'd prefer to keep out of more focused work-related channels.
Use template :arrow_down::arrow_down::arrow_down: <[URL]>
Share your need of new team members.
Post format:
*Company*: 🐐
*Using Technologies*: 🐐
*Job Title*: 🐐
*Industry*: 🐐
*Team size*: 🐐
*Description*: 🐐
*Location*: 🐐
*Start and duration*: 🐐
*Job type*: 🐐
*Remote?*: 🐐
*Language*: 🐐
Weekly GDG Berlin Android meeting, focused on programming Android.
Please bring your laptop or any device to write/work on your Android projects on.
For questions and answers around the various Android meetups in Berlin. Feel free to post slides or recording of the talks you’ve given.
Join the WTM Berlin slack: <[URL]>
This channel is where our students will come to ask questions.
cfp and conferences
Number of members by timezones in UTC. DST applied.