We're a bunch of creatives, comprising of Product Designers, Print Designers & Design Enthusiasts. All for the ♥ of Design.

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Community-wide announcements, changes, and upcoming events.
Community-wide announcements, changes, and upcoming events.


Ask for help or share resources in the domain of front-end development.
Ask for help or share resources in the domain of front-end development.


Dedicated to London designers: If you're looking for folks to hang out with, grab a coffee, or ask design related questions that are location specific, post here. Please do not post any jobs, events.
Dedicated to London designers: If you're looking for folks to hang out with, grab a coffee, or ask design related questions that are location specific, post here. Please do not post any jobs, events.


Discussions & resources for folks in senior level positions or team management roles.
Discussions & resources for folks in senior level positions or team management roles.






Dedicated to Dublin designers: If you’re looking for folks to hang out with, grab a coffee, or ask design-related questions that are location-specific, post here. Please do not post any jobs, events.


Number of members by timezones in UTC. DST applied.
1194 Slack groups are listed on Slofile.