Slack community for Slack app developers. Members include people from Slack.
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Welcome to the Slack Developers Community! No bots in <#C04SM6TAK|general> please. Post your news and solicitations in <#C0JQ4TX7Z|announcements> ! Slack Team questions? <#C0K8617D5|slack-api> !
This channel is for team-wide communictions. Search the channel list to find an appropriate channel to ask questions (like <#C0AV5N8NA|botkit>). Announce your products and events in <#C0JQ4TX7Z|announcements> ! No bots here please!
Whats new? Anything worth shouting about?
Botkit Docs: <[URL]> Botkit Issues: <[URL]> NOT BLOCKIT
Looking for chatbot related work? Have a chatbot related position? Share it here!
When answer to someone please use the @ mode to send a notification
Discuss the finer details of connecting to the Slack API: <[URL]>
Discuss ideas for improvements to the Slack API
Discuss feedback about the integration experience for developers (slash commands, webhooks, rest APIs, RTM APIs, bot users) and ways to make it easier for developers to distribute Slack apps.
Slack Development with Python
Number of members by timezones in UTC. DST applied.