Wide announcements and comments are welcome in this channel
Welcome to the Marketplace Academy! The community where founders, entrepreneurs and fans of marketplaces get together. Feel free to post up and introduce yourself on this thread! We promote open debate on all issues related to online marketplaces.
Networking opportunities
Whether you're looking to build your team, learn or network with online marketplace entrepreneurs, we can help. Share collaborative projects or any job offer that can help you to find your next co-founder, early employee or intern.
Founders daily life experiences, tips and recommendations.
This channel is to learn, teach, discover and share tips, articles and experiences (good and bad) that you have faced during your experience as a Founder. Start the discussion! We all want to learn from you!
Collective power to overcome the pains and problems that you face as an eCommerce Business
This channel is to discuss your pains when running your marketplace. Someone already experienced the same problems and can help you to solve them and get through them! Share your experience! It would be awesome to learn from you.
Non-work banter and water cooler conversation
A place for non-work-related flimflam, faffing, hodge-podge or jibber-jabber you'd prefer to keep out of more focused work-related channels.
Everything you need to achieve rapid and sustainable growth
This channel is for entrepreneurs, founders, growth leads, or anyone else who is trying to grow a startup. If acquiring and retaining customers is important to your business, then you should join this channel and start the discussion!
What do you wish?
Do you wish something? There are many people that might wish the same. Share it here and lets make our ideas fly!
Latest News eCommerce, Startup & Tech
Any interesting upcoming events or contests? Share it with all of us in this thread!
Let us know when you tackle a barrier or achieve something important. Share your success, it is motivation for others.
Events and competitios worldwide