The Failover Conf Slack is the only place to connect with attendees, get your questions answered by our speakers, and stay up to date with announcements.

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Stay up to date with sessions and activities! Live closed captioning in English, French, German, and Spanish: <[URL]>
This channel is for workspace-wide communication and announcements. All members are in this channel.


Chat with fellow attendees about ...anything!


Learn about the best tools for reliability and resilience engineering.


If you’re having technical difficulties or have a question for the conference organizers, drop us a line here and we can help!


Tell us about yourself! Your job, your interests, your pets, or whatever you’d like to share.


8:10am PDT - Reliability Matters More Than Ever


Have you done Chaos Engineering? Share your experiences from injecting failure and what you’ve learned! Are you new to Chaos Engineering? Ask questions and learn more.


Knowledge is power. What tools and processes are you using to get more visibility into the applications and systems you’re running?


8:40am PDT - Fight, Flight, or Freeze - Releasing Organizational Trauma


Resilient teams build reliable systems. Share your experiences and advice for improving your team and building a culture of reliability.


Number of members by timezones in UTC. DST applied.
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