Connect and live-chat with community of professionals from the tech/startup scene in Asia - Singapore, Japan, Taiwan, Korea, China, Malaysia, Philippines, Vietnam, Indonesia, Thailand, Hong Kong, India, US & more.
Check out official website for details 🙌

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Hangout place - discussions & introductions welcomed here ! :beers: :couple::two_men_holding_hands::two_women_holding_hands:
This channel is for community-wide communication. If you just joined, feel free to introduce yourself over here.


Hiring or want to be hired? This is the place. Stick to pinned format. 💁
Hiring? Looking for work? This is place to post your note!


Info, news & feedback from the startup world 🔥
All things related to news, trends & insights from startup/business world in Asia.


Any tech, software, hardware related topics go here. WARNING: Geek talks. 💡🔭 :rocket:
Any tech, software, hardware related topics go here. Also feedback & issues with your code ;)


Upcoming meetup in Singapore! Who is in? :D
All things related to working & living in Singapore + all events happening in town


A place for all marketing related things - growing your audience, ads, growth tactics and so on 🚀


Everything product design, UI+UX related. :gem:
"Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works.” - All things design, UX + UI related here.




Local channel for people based in Malaysia 👫 🇲🇾



Number of members by timezones in UTC. DST applied.
1196 Slack groups are listed on Slofile.