Freelance Focus is a professional development community for experienced freelancers. We provide the training, coaching, and community support that you need to take your freelance business from "good enough" to "great." Would love to see you inside!

Popular Channels



This is the place for general conversation about business and life. If you’re new, introduce yourself! :wave:
This is the place for general conversation about business and life. If you’re new, please introduce yourself! :wave:


This is the place to refer client work to other freelancers or share project opportunities with the group. :handshake:
This is the place to refer client work to other freelancers or share project opportunities with the community. :handshake:


This is the place to share books, courses, software, and other resources that can help freelancers be more effective. :open_book:
This is the place to share books, courses, software, and other resources that can help freelancers be more effective. :open_book:


This is the place to share things that you’ve created and get other members to amplify your reach. :mega:
This is the place to share things you’ve created and get other members to amplify your reach. :mega:


This is the place to share ideas or show off a work in progress and get constructive feedback from your peers. :thinking_face:
This is the place to share ideas or show off a work in progress and get constructive feedback from your peers. :thinking_face:


:point_left: New member? Check out this channel's pin(s) for important links and messages.
This is a place to share ideas and feedback for how we can improve the member experience for Freelance Mastermind.


This is the place for members to publicly state goals and hold each other accountable. :white_check_mark:
This is the place for members to publicly state goals and hold each other accountable. :white_check_mark:


Had a rough day (or week)? This is the place to let off some steam. Caps Lock is encouraged, but please keep it civil. :rage:
Had a rough day (or week)? This is the place to let off some steam. Caps Lock is encouraged, but please keep it civil. :rage:


This is a channel that automatically publishes freelance project opportunities that have made it through our manual filter.


This is a channel for discussing books that we are reading/would like to read and exchanging books with other members.


Number of members by timezones in UTC. DST applied.
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