For English and Chinese language students and teachers to share resources. Grasp is a peer-to-peer web app that lets tutors and students find each other on a map and schedule meetups/lessons nearby.

Popular Channels



The channel is constantly updated with the best and latest RSS feeds related to Chinese language learning and teaching. (If a feed is missing feel free to add more by typing "/feed subscribe" and paste the RSS feed URL!)


This channel is constantly updated with the best and latest RSS feeds related to English language learning and teaching. (If a feed is missing feel free to add more by typing "/feed subscribe" and paste the RSS feed URL!)


A place to upload all Chinese Business-related learning materials and resources


A place for all Chinese grammar related resources and materials. Please try and post content relevant to adults. If you'd like to post children's resources please PM me and we'll add to/create a separate channel.


All things related to travel Chinese language learning


All things related to travel English language learning


To introduce people who don’t know each other well and encourage them to meet. You can also type /coffeewifi + [city name] to find coffee shops nearby! Please use good judgment before meeting in person with someone you don't know.


Collection of Chinese quizzes. Please try and post content relevant to adults. No children's resources please!


Company-wide announcements and work-based matters
The Grasp Language Community was built for the people by the people - thanks for contributing! Although we know teaching children is a large part of the ESL industry. We try to focus on sharing content suitable for adults and business professionals!


Podcasts for Chinese language learners. Please try and post content relevant to adults. No children's resources please!


Number of members by timezones in UTC. DST applied.
1196 Slack groups are listed on Slofile.