A Slack community for online video creators. Find collaborators, showcase your best (or worst) work, discuss strategy, meet up and more.
Popular Channels
Company-wide announcements and work-based matters
This is the default channel. Everyone is here. Use it now, while we grow, to suggest new features or point out what’s wrong. Please join other channels you want to be in.
Non-work banter and water cooler conversation
A place for non-work-related flimflam, faffing, hodge-podge or jibber-jabber you'd prefer to keep out of more focused work-related channels.
Want to work with another creator? Have an awesome idea you want to produce with someone else? This is your starting point.
New? Introduce yourself here. Let everyone know who you are, what you need or how you can help.
Into short videos? This is your channel… well, one of them at least. There’s also #vine and #snapchat.
Doing Facebook video already? Share your experience in this channel.
Your news. Looking for talent? Got sponsored? Got your first thousand subs? Released a new video or wrote a great article? You're welcome to share it here, including #humblebrags
Number of members by timezones in UTC. DST applied.