Impact Chat is the world's leading impact investment community to connect with a global network of social entrepreneurs, impact investors and changemakers.
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Welcome message and general announcements
Welcome to #impactchat, a place to connect with a global community of social entrepreneurs, impact investors, government and not for profits. This is the home channel and only admin can make community wide announcements. Join a topic to begin!
Have a technical question for one of our experts? Or perhaps you need feedback or got something beta that needs testing? This is your channel for all things Q&A. Absolutely no judgement, we're in it together.
Anything related to funding, capital raising, grants, investments and exits should go here.
Have a great idea or a big hairy problem to solve? Share, develop and get feedback on your ideas here.
Talk shop
This channel is the main channel of #impactchat and everyone here is here. Say hello, tell us about your project and watch the magic happen as you connect with a global network of change makers to help you out on your journey.
Hiring? Firing? Looking for a gig? In search of a co-founder? Share it here!
Channel to discuss trends and opportunities in impact investment
Are you doing something amazing or read news worth sharing? Spread the word here.
Dedicated channel for collaborating on Health and Human Services opportunities
Discuss the case for Municipal Bonds, and identify opportunities
Number of members by timezones in UTC. DST applied.