Connect and network with like-minded professionals in the IT field by signing up for our free Slack Workspace, the IT Pro Community. Whether you want a sounding board for your latest ideas and projects, or just want to stay up-to-date with IT-related news, events, reads and more — the IT Pro Community will be your new favorite virtual water cooler.

Popular Channels



Share IT best practices & advice
Share IT best practices & advice


Explain Like I'm 5 - Explain IT terms/concepts as if you were trying to help a five-year-old understand them.
Explain Like I'm 5 - Explain IT terms/concepts as if you were trying to help a five-year-old understand them.


Workspace-wide communication & announcements. Oh, and also saying hello when you join:wink: If you need help with IT problems, post it in <#C01VBM6UDB6|get-help>!
This channel is for workspace-wide communication and announcements. All members are in this channel.




Workspace-wide announcements from admins
Workspace-wide announcements from admins!


Share IT job postings!
Share IT job postings!




Share IT events and meetups
Share IT events and meetups


Non-work banter and water cooler conversation
A place for non-work-related flimflam, faffing, hodge-podge or jibber-jabber you'd prefer to keep out of more focused work-related channels.


Share your tech stack/best apps
Which techs are the best?


Number of members by timezones in UTC. DST applied.
1183 Slack groups are listed on Slofile.