Kahana's Slack is a growing product-led community centered around a minimalist, writer-centric platform that is designed to make writing more effortless, enjoyable, and productive.
Our mission? Make writing easier.
Popular Channels
:speech_balloon: Community wide conversation
This is the one channel that will always include everyone. It’s a great spot for announcements and team-wide conversations.
:rocket: Everything you need to know about our platform launch
This *channel* is for working on a project. Hold meetings, share docs, and make decisions together with your team.
:mega: Get your updates here
:tada: Start a chat about anything
This channel is for... well, everything else. It’s a place for team jokes, spur-of-the-moment ideas, and funny GIFs. Go wild!
:scroll: Rules for the Kahana Writing Community Slack
Rules for Slack
Have an idea for a feature or for a way to improve the platform? We would LOVE to hear it!! Any and all thoughts are welcome :grin:
:fire: All things Kickstarter
Any time you run into any bugs/issues within the platform or your experience is disrupted, please let us know! We’ll do our best to help you resolve it and will make sure to fix it within the platform as soon as possible :green_heart:
Number of members by timezones in UTC. DST applied.