Informal peer learning among library user experience practitioners in the global LibUX Community. Sharing knowledge, tips, links to articles and resources to help passionate people design better library experiences.
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Hey! Let's chat about all things user experience for libraries - however tangentially. We talk about the web, the physical space, content strategy, code, customer service - and anything remotely related to making things groovier.
If you share something neat and write a short paragraph or so with your thoughts about it, it'll make it into the community newsletter :) \m/
A LibUX reading list. What have you read? What should we read? Let’s library.
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Hi. Welcome! Introduce yourself.
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How might we do better qualitative data analysis?
Discuss fieldwork, methods, deliverables and inclusive user research.
What are you doing for Global Accessibility Awareness Day next Thursday?
Make our libraries more inclusive for everyone, everywhere - design with accessibility in mind.
improving performance and measuring improvement
Share and workshop mockups, sketches, ideas, and drafts.
All about content strategy.
Second ever [free :)] #libux community webinar: 4/something.
Number of members by timezones in UTC. DST applied.