This is the Madison Community Slack Team.
A variety of people are here, but a large percentage of them work in tech in the Madison, Wisconsin area.
Popular Channels
Chat for Madison, WI folks!
Invite: <[URL]>
Self-promotion: <#CFU7U03ED|> .
No unsolicited DMs offering goods or services, please.
Offering "partnerships in the US for part-time contractors" gets you banned.
This channel is for team-wide communication and announcements. All team members are in this channel.
Please post only jobs reachable by commute or remotely from the Madison metro area. If job is remote, state that in the post.
Do not respond on behalf of other people or consulting companies. Respond if you, as a person, are interested in the job.
Got a job to post targeting Madison locals? Share it here!
A place for non-work banter, links, articles of interest, humor or anything else which you'd like concentrated in some place other than work-related channels.
Work from home? Hang out and chat. Banter encouraged.
Talk about programming!
Check out <#CHWACGL2H|> for more discussion!
Meeting up? Mention it here.
Submit discussion questions at
A place of mentoring for early career devs. Chat events held here. Dev Together Madison chapter. <[URL]>
For shameless plugs
To science the data. R, Python, and all other languages welcome
Number of members by timezones in UTC. DST applied.