We help Software Engineers accelerate their growth and build their perfect lifestyle!

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Software Development techniques, software products and other soft-techy stuff
Plan: [URL]


Global announcements, affecting the whole community. Dashboard: <[URL]> Code of Conduct: <[URL]>
Org questions goes here Topics: [URL] New plan: [URL]


All things related to career, freelancing, independence and growth within the industry
Plan: [URL]


All stuff which is not suitable for other channels goes here
Just do it!


Share your successes here: small steps you have taken successfully, habits you have integrated, job-related wins, projects you have completed...
Share your success stories!


Tell us a story of yours. Read our CoC: <[URL]>
Introduce yourself to othet folks: who are you, what are you doing day to day, what are your interests, goals and values


Ask any question you have here


How do you pick technologies for work projects? What is the biggest blocker to pick technologies you want?
A channel for sparking the conversations, discussions and debates


Share your failures here: even the most stupid and embarrassing ones, we are here to support you and learn together :slightly_smiling_face:.
Share your failures here


Describe your current Work-In-Progress commitment! It can be anything: a work task, a personal challenge, an MTDV practice. We'll keep you accountable!
Describe your current Work-In-Progress commitment! It can be anything: a work task, a personal challenge, an MTDV practice. We'll keep you accountable!


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