Community-wide announcements
This channel is for Community-wide public communication and announcements.
NAFT-ers self-introductions
Here NAFT-ers introduce themselves, talk about their professional experience and bio, so we know each other and connect.
All things internet and ecommerce
Ultimate goal is successfully selling online and finding the right customer. All things internet and ecommerce post here. Infos on bloggers, affiliate links, and all other online experiences.
Fashion Weeks discussion
There are few major fashion weeks that identify trends, New York, Paris, London, Milan and recently perhaps Copenhagen too, this channel is to post favourite current runway looks to spot the trends as they happen
All things fun and random
For jokes, fun and coffee breaks, feel free to post fashion related or unrelated casual fun topics, a general conversation thread for not taking our hectic fast paced multi billion dollar industry too seriously
Non-work banter and water cooler conversation
A place for non-work-related patter, chit-chat, gibber and blather you’d prefer to keep out of more focused work-related channels.
Sales related channel
How to sell, how to grow sales, how to grow the business, sales is king, tips and tricks on all things sales
Sourcing and manufacturing channel
Suppliers, sourcing shows, manufacturing issues and solutions, production optimization, outsourcing, costings and prices, best practices to produce the stock and scale the bestsellers
Next season trends
This channel is to discuss next season trends, bestsellers and share editions of trend books, if you have access to nelly rodi, wgsn or any other edition please share trend reports here
Ask Me Anything
This channel is focused on weekly Q&A sessions and general topic conferences where we exchange general infos. If you have wide range of questions to the NAFT community, post them here