The Ops Community is the friendliest developer community on Slack. We focus on Lean DevOps and the developer experience (DX). We love automating workflows and bringing developer tools into Slack. We care about making DevOps accessible, fun, and enjoyable.

What you'll find, if you join our community:
- Quickly connect with the team
- Learn how to build, share, and run Ops
- Connect with other DevOps enthusiasts
- Learn what others in the industry are doing
- Stay on top of the latest DevOps trends

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:rocket: Welcome to The Ops Community by <[URL]|> :rocket: :wave: Say hello in <#CQ00QU7FX|> and introduce yourself. :question: If you need help, feel free to post in <#CPNG2NTGB|> :package: Let’s ship together!
Welcome to the <[URL]|> Community. Please feel free to ask for help or share ideas


Platform Status: <[URL]> Report bugs and get help from the <[URL]|> support team.


New product releases from the <[URL]|> Ops Platform.
Platform releases


Introduce yourself to the community! Who are you? Where are based? What brought you here? What are you working on?
Introduce yourself! What brought you to The Ops Community? Where do you work? What do you work on?


Non-work banter and water cooler conversation.
A place for non-work-related flimflam, faffing, hodge-podge or jibber-jabber you'd prefer to keep out of more focused work-related channels.


To start collaborating on ideas with other community members, request an invite to this team using “/ops run invite”. You will also need to install our CLI (<[URL]>) to create and publish an op to the community team.
To start collaborating on ideas with other community members, request an invite to this team using “/ops run invite”. You will also need to install our CLI (<[URL]>) to create and publish an op to the community team.


DevOps and automation intelligence daily news.
All DevOps news right in your friendly neighborhood channel.


Showcase your favorite ops to run or build.
Showcase your best Op builds and your favorite Ops to run.


Grow together. Meet another DevOps enthusiast every week!


New channel for sharing developer and DevOps jobs and opportunities.
Post your developer and DevOps projects and jobs here.


Number of members by timezones in UTC. DST applied.
1196 Slack groups are listed on Slofile.