The premier community of Overseas Vietnamese.

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Community announcements & updates :loudspeaker: :bell: - If you’re new, head over to <#C012T41DBHN|0-introductions> & say hi :wave:
Community announcements & updates :loudspeaker: :bell: - If you’re new, head over to <#C012T41DBHN|0-introductions> & say hi :wave:


Introduce yourself & become part of the Overseas Vietnamese family :handshake::hearts:
Introduce yourself & become part of the Overseas Vietnamese family :handshake::hearts:


Discuss and share all things: food, culture, news, jobs or moving to VN :chart_with_upwards_trend::flag-vn::city_sunrise:
Discuss and share all things: food, culture, news, jobs or moving to VN :chart_with_upwards_trend::flag-vn::city_sunrise:


Post interesting events, webinars, gatherings & meetups :calendar::round_pushpin:🧧
Post interesting events, webinars, gatherings & meetups :calendar::round_pushpin:🧧


Post job offers, job searches & general business opportunities :writing_hand::adult:‍:briefcase:
Post job offers, job searches & general business opportunities :writing_hand::adult:‍:briefcase:


Discuss everything about personal and professional development: mental models, habit building, improving skills, etc. 🧮:hourglass_flowing_sand::memo:
Discuss everything about personal and professional development: mental models, habit building, improving skills, etc. 🧮:hourglass_flowing_sand::memo:


Recommend & discuss articles, blog posts, news & other short-form content :newspaper::mag_right::earth_asia:
Recommend & discuss articles, blog posts, news & other short-form content :newspaper::mag_right::earth_asia:


Recommend & discuss interesting books, podcasts, newsletters and other long-form content :books::studio_microphone::mailbox_with_mail:
Recommend & discuss interesting books, podcasts, newsletters and other long-form content :books::studio_microphone::mailbox_with_mail:


Non-serious banter, fun memes, water cooler conversation & everything else :woman-getting-massage::free::thought_balloon:
Non-serious banter, fun memes, water cooler conversation & everything else :woman-getting-massage::free::thought_balloon:


Ask for and offer career support for anything from CV screening over visa applications to job referrals :muscle::old_key::memo:
Ask for and offer career support for anything from CV screening over visa applications to job referrals :muscle::old_key::memo:


Number of members by timezones in UTC. DST applied.
1189 Slack groups are listed on Slofile.