At Pa11y, we think making the web more accessible improves it for everyone. So we publish a range of free and open-source tools to help designers and developers make their web pages more accessible.
Popular Channels
General discussion about Pa11y projects
This channel is for team-wide communication and announcements. All team members are in this channel.
A place for Pa11y's core contributors. Others are welcome to join, but no support questions here
A place for Pa11y's core contributors. Others are welcome to join, but no support questions here
Post pull requests which need review only, no discussion please – do that in the PR :)
Posts your Pa11y-related pull requests in here for review
Issue tracker: <[URL]>
// <[URL]>
Every 4 weeks on Monday at 10:30am we go over open PRs and issues
Pull requests and other activity from GitHub
Security alerts
Number of members by timezones in UTC. DST applied.