Find practice partners for interviews.

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Announcements from the community manager


Schedule mocks. Two options: Option 1: Send a msg w/ A) target company, B) what you'd like to practice, & C) avail. incl. time zone. Option 2: Use this sheet: <[URL]> Add/view PM questions: <[URL]>
Schedule mock interview. Two options: Option 1: Send a Slack msg w/ A) what you'd like to practice, B) time zone, & C) availability. Option 2: Use this spreadsheet: <[URL]> Add/view PM questions: <[URL]>


Request a resume review from your peers.
Ask for resume advice and critiques.


How to Start PM Interview Prep (incl. top 10 rsrcs): <[URL]> See/Add PM Ques: <[URL]> See/Add PM Job Listings in #jobs channel
How to Start PM Interview Prep (incl. top 10 rsrcs): <[URL]> See/Add PM Ques: <[URL]> See/Add PM Job Listings in <#C1PCLLXQR|> channel


Discuss interview questions including approaches and other points of view. Potential questions can include: product design, strategy, technical, behavioral, and estimation questions (<[URL]>).
Discuss solutions to product design questions


How to Start PM Interview Prep (incl. top 10 rsrcs): <[URL]> See/Add PM Ques: <[URL]> See/Add PM Job Listings in #jobs channel
Anything else that doesn’t fit the channels


Discuss behavioral interview questions.
Discuss solutions to behavioral questions


Discuss estimation interview questions. More details on estimation questions: <[URL]>
Discuss solutions to estimation questions


Ask for help negotiating your job offer. :tada: TC data: <[URL]> Negotiation scripts: <[URL]>
Ask for negotiation advice.


Discuss interview questions for strategy roles.
Discuss solutions to strategy questions


Number of members by timezones in UTC. DST applied.
1193 Slack groups are listed on Slofile.