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Type `pmhq map` to find folks around you!
Introduce yourself, meet new folks, and ask questions!
No ads here - use <#C084MTKEW|> to share your product, <#C0EFXRDUK|> for your articles, and <#C12DXFUSV|> for your events.
Type `pmhq map` to find folks around you!
Ask Me Anything: Featuring product guests where you can ask them anything you’d like. | Past AMA's: <[URL]>
Ask Me Anything: Featuring product guests where you can ask them anything you’d like. | Past AMA's: <[URL]>
Post PM resources/tools here! Also, find more tools at <[URL]>
Post helpful resources / tools for PMs here!
Post PM job opportunities here: <[URL]>
Original compensation sheet: <[URL]>
Post PM job opportunities here!
Ask for PM interview/recruiting advice here! Go to <#C11B3JSSY|> for Mock Interviews.
Study guide: <[URL]>
PMHQ articles: <[URL]>
For anyone going through PM recruiting/interviewing, ask for advice from the community here!
For people to ask for feedback on their own / company's products
Ask for feedback on products here
Discuss any UX related topics here!
Welcome to the exciting field of Product Management! Ask questions and network here :smiley:
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M.I.T = Most Important Task. Post your day’s to-do’s to hold yourself accountable and learn what other PMs do daily!
To see what PMs are working on every day