A niche community of consultants, agencies, freelancers, and other professional service providers sharing insights on growing their expertise based businesses.

Popular Channels



Know someone we should invite? Use this link: <[URL]>
Have a recommendation for someone we should invite to the group? Tell us here!


Think tank announcements and hangout. Add yourself to the directory and introduce yourself to the group. <[URL]>
This channel is for workspace-wide communication and announcements. All members are in this channel.


Add yourself to the directory and introduce yourself to the group. <[URL]>
Introduce yourself to the rest of the group. What are you looking to learn?


Share and discuss great articles, books, videos, and other resources.
Share and discuss great articles.


Share recent wins you've had with the group.
Share recent wins you've had with the group.


A channel for sharing your plans, ideas, and more and get support and feedback from others.
Share what you're working on to get group feedback and encouragement


Discuss processes for scaling sales, operations, and culture.
Discuss processes for scaling sales, operations, and culture.


A channel for sharing your projects, launches, and more. Links are welcome here.
A channel for sharing your projects, launches, and more. Links are welcome here.


Number of members by timezones in UTC. DST applied.
1189 Slack groups are listed on Slofile.