Purpose Community is a free Slack workspace dedicated to folks passionate about the Midwest tech and startup community. Our most active channels are #introductions, #open-jobs, and #events. Network and stay on top of Midwest news and events.

Popular Channels



Relevant + impactful events
Let’s use this space to post relevant and impactful events (i.e. hiring, networking, professional development, tech / startup, etc.).


Open jobs
A place for the community to feature open jobs.


New member intros
A place for new members to introduce themselves. Tell us where you’re joining us from, current or most recent job / company, why you’ve joined the Purpose community, and a current obsession, something you love, or a useless superpower


Job seeker profiles
Looking for a new job? Just casually browsing? Open to offers? Post your resume, LinkedIn, and/or details on what you're looking for in this channel. Make sure to check out <#C02BCQSBB2P|open-jobs> too!


A place to ask questions + help others
Looking for advice? Have a question? Need a resume reviewed? Ask it here. If you'd like to ask anonymously, go ahead and submit your question via this survey and Hannah will post it in the chat: <[URL]>


Tech + startup news
Let’s stay up-to-date on tech and startup news here.


Our job search + workplace wins
The job search can be isolating. Let's share our relevant win(s) for the week here, no matter how small. i.e. new job, great interview, successful negotiation, etc.


Miscellaneous and water cooler conversation
A place for banter, links, articles of interest, humor or anything else that doesn’t fit in our other channels.


A dedicated channel for folks from or interested in Detroit or Ann Arbor


Discussion about everything West Michigan tech, jobs and startup related.


Number of members by timezones in UTC. DST applied.
1196 Slack groups are listed on Slofile.