System Admin

Popular Channels



Company-wide announcements and work-based matters
This channel is for workspace-wide communication and announcements. All members are in this channel.


General questions regarding Red Hat certifications. Check pinned items for resources :computerparrot:
This channel helps navigate the Red Hat certifications and can be for other general topics that may not be related to a specific exam (i.e. RHEL courses, PXE booting)


This channel is for discussing RHCSA related topics. Check pinned items for resources :call_me_hand::skin-tone-2:
This is for RHCSA related exam tips, study materials, help with exam objectives etc. Please honor the NDA if you’ve taken the exam(s).


This channel is for discussing Red Hat Certified Engineer related topics. Check pinned items for resources :raised_hands::skin-tone-2:
This is for RHCE related exam tips, study materials, help with exam objectives etc. Please honor the NDA if you’ve taken the exam(s).


Test your skills before sitting your exam. Check the pinned items for the practice exams. Good luck! :smile:
This channel is for testing your skills before sitting your RHCSA, RHCE, or RHCA level exams. Check the pinned messages for the practice exams. Good luck!


This channel is for discussing RHCA related topics. Check pinned items for resources :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
This is for RHCA exam tips, study materials, help with exam objectives etc. This channel may branch out to the specialist exams that comprise the RHCA certification at a later time. Please honor the NDA if you’ve taken the exam(s).


Number of members by timezones in UTC. DST applied.
1196 Slack groups are listed on Slofile.