The Revision Path Slack community is for listeners of our podcast who want to network and fellowship with other Black designers, developers, and digital creatives from around the world.

Popular Channels



Site-wide announcements and general conversation; for more specific conversations check out the other channels or suggest a new one in #suggestions!
Here's where you can chat with other Revision Path folks.


This channel is for introductions only -- no conversation!
Introduce yourself to the community! Tell us about yourself, where you're located, what you do, and what skills you have. Don't forget to fill out your Slack profile too! No convo here; take it to DMs.


Got a guest to recommend? Is there a site feature you want to see? A topic you want covered on the show or blog? A new channel here in Slack?


Job Board | [URL]
Looking for work? Check here for full-time, part-time, temporary, or freelance work. You can also post listings here if you're looking to hire talent!


Get to know your fellow designers! UI, UX, print, web, graphic, etc. -- all are welcome!


This channel is for the coders and programmers out there. HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Python, PHP, etc. -- they're all welcome here.


Currently on hiatus for 2017
Welcome to Revision Path's AMA channel! From time to time, we'll invite experts here to talk with you all about a number of different subjects. Please keep conversations on topic!


Venues! Attendees! Speakers! Topics! Let's chat about conferences and even work on making on our own!


Have your own business or side hustle? Network with other business owners and share tools, advice, and referrals!


Scholarship announcements, calls for speakers/proposals, and other similar types of notices.


Number of members by timezones in UTC. DST applied.
1194 Slack groups are listed on Slofile.