Salesforge HQ is a Slack Group for Marketers, Founders, and Salespeople.

One of the fastest private growing communities on the planet for startup/SaaS founders, sales, marketing & rev ops professionals focused on all topics related to outbound and inbound growth. Whether you have over a decade of experience or you're just starting off, we're here to help you to get to your next milestone.

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Get updates about new stuff the Forge team is working on & engage in general discussions about how to get more bacon. :bacon:


Find your next career opportunity here :mag_right:


A channel for everyone to introduce themselves
Welcome :wave: Say hi, drop your LinkedIn URL, gain a bunch of connections. Let us know 1. Your name 2. What you do 3. What you want to gain from this group 4. Your LinkedIn URL Feel free to record a video too :movie_camera:


Ask any question you have about outbound or the Forge:question:


Promote your events and products or services! :speaking_head_in_silhouette:


Post your funniest memes :rolling_on_the_floor_laughing:


Anything and everything - watercooler convos, random ideas, personal stories :bulb:


Need a little help with your copy? Drop it here and get others' opinions! :thought_balloon:


Feel free to share posts from your LinkedIn :repeat: so we can give it more love :heart:


While we're mostly focused on outbound, sometimes we need some inbound help - that's what this channel is for :rocket:


Number of members by timezones in UTC. DST applied.
1196 Slack groups are listed on Slofile.