:bell: A major announcement or update coming up in our Spend Culture Slack Community? We'll keep you posted here!
:star: Keep this space safe by reviewing our Code of Conduct: <[URL]>
A major announcement or update coming up in our Spend Culture Slack Community? We'll keep you posted here!
:wave: Say hello to the Spend Culture community! Introducing yourself is a great way to start creating connections, meeting mentors and mentees, and building your global network!
Say hello to the Spend Culture community! Introducing yourself is a great way to start creating connections, meeting mentors and mentees, and building your global network.
:books: Share links to articles, whitepapers, templates, and resources that you've found helpful in your role.
Share links to articles, whitepapers, templates, and resources that you've found helpful in your role.
:joy: Found a meme, pun, or joke that you want to share, this is the place to lol together!
Memes, puns, jokes, you know...things that make you smile!
:spiral_calendar_pad: Share upcoming online events, webinars, and roundtables.
Share upcoming online events, webinars, and roundtables.
:speech_balloon: Don't see a specific Slack channel for your topic? Chat away in here! The General Chats channel is open to all types of finance, accounting, procurement, or operations topics.
Don't see a specific Slack channel for your topic? Chat away in here! The General Chats channel is open to all types of finance, accounting, procurement, or operations topics.
:briefcase: Share job postings that you feel are relevant to the Spend Culture community.
Share job postings that you feel are relevant to the Spend Culture community. This includes everything from finance, accounting, procurement, operations, and more!
:busts_in_silhouette: If you'd like to refer somebody who is looking for their next dream job, highlight them here! Please make sure you have asked the candidate in advance to share their information in the Spend Culture Community.
If you'd like to refer somebody who is looking for their next dream job, highlight them here! Please make sure you have asked the candidate in advance to share their information in the Spend Culture Community.
:coffee: Miss grabbing a coffee with your colleagues and peers? Stop by here to have some casual chats!
:round_pushpin: Looking to connect with individuals in Vancouver, BC Canada? This is the place!
:round_pushpin: Looking to connect with individuals in Vancouver, BC Canada? This is the place!