The Steely Dan Slack Workspace offers conversation topics, media, resources and updates about the band Steely Dan and it's members, albums, songs and outtakes over the years. It features channels for each album and allows for open discussion on the latest news and hidden musical treasures still out there to be discovered.

Popular Channels



Related discussions to Steely Dan album releases.


Any discussion related to Pre-1972 Walter Becker & Donald Fagen's collaboration and discography.


Any discussion related to Donald Fagen's solo career, writing, composing, albums, songs, etc.


This channel is for general discussion to call attention to any new items, announcements, welcoming new people and helpful reminders.


Any discussion related to various Movie Soundtracks that Walter & Donald helped to compose, produce, write or play on.


This channel is for discussing all of the outtakes and bootleg content.


Any discussion related to personnel writers, composers, artists, players, vocalists, producers, record labels on any Steely Dan albums or songs.


Random discussions related to Steely Dan, not focused on any of the other channel topics.


Any discussion related to external collaborations that Walter Becker or Donald Fagen assisted with on writing, composing, playing, producing or singing with outside artists.


Any discussion related to Steely Dan hit single songs.


Number of members by timezones in UTC. DST applied.
1196 Slack groups are listed on Slofile.