Calling all SUSE Linux SysAdmins! Come together and socialise from the comfort of your own server cave with like-minded people. Discuss the issues (or complaints) you have with your servers (or clients)!

Popular Channels



Company-wide announcements and work-based matters
This channel is for team-wide communication and announcements. All team members are in this channel.


Non-work banter and water cooler conversation
A place for non-work-related flimflam, faffing, hodge-podge or jibber-jabber you'd prefer to keep out of more focused work-related channels.


Ask your questions here. Maybe someone else will be able to point you in the right direction.


Post that rant over here! And yes, I want to hear every hilarous detail about it...


Suggestions for anything related to the SUSE Linux slack team!


Today I Learned..... what? Tell me! I wanna know too!


Number of members by timezones in UTC. DST applied.
1189 Slack groups are listed on Slofile.