A Slack community for freelancers and production staff in the world of commercial video production
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Community announcements
This channel is for workspace-wide communication and announcements. All members are in this channel.
Introduce yourself in <#CV6HQDPH7|hello> - let us know what you do! Please don't repost unless you change significantly jobs or locations.
Feel free to share cool work you've seen to <#CV6HKEXUH|loveit> - but no discussion on the merits of the work. Some of your fellow VIP's may have worked hard on that video.
Great work, for inspiration
For non-location specific requirements if theres not a community set up for your location
Off-topic chat. Global rules still apply - be cool.
All off-topic chat. Keep eachother sane during the quarantine
There's no such thing as a stupid question. We were all new once and this is a safe place to learn.
All your questions, hopefully all your answers
Number of members by timezones in UTC. DST applied.