WP South Africa is the online meeting place of the WordPress community spread across South Africa.

Popular Channels



General chit-chat, discussion and WordPress assistance | <[URL]> | Code of Conduct: <[URL]>
This channel is for general chit-chat and community discussions. Check out the other rooms for more specific conversations!


A place to find & post WordPress-related jobs
A place to find & post WordPress-related jobs


A place where self employed WordPress developers can discuss and share ideas, available projects or work availability.


Discussions focussed on WordPress development
Discussions focussed on WordPress development


Sell each other's developments or services, keep the work flowing.
Did you build something this week that can be re-sold to someone else? Or offer a service that can be shared with someone else. Share it here to cross and upsell each other's work or consult with one another


To discuss all things WordPress/WooCommerce and SEO


Discussion around all things WooCommerce and eCommerce
Discussion around all things WooCommerce


WordPressers who live beneath the table | [URL]
For the WordPressers who live beneath the table


18-31 May: <[URL]>
Central channel for all chatter about local do_action WordPress Charity Hackathons: [URL]


News and discussion about WordCamps happening across the country.
News and discussion about WordCamps happening across the country


Number of members by timezones in UTC. DST applied.
1192 Slack groups are listed on Slofile.