Digital Artisans is a place where pixel artists, code poets, copywriting wordsmiths and masters of the digital arts can escape the confines of solitude and aid in each others enlightenment. We come here to communicate with our peers, to collaborate on wonderful new ideas and to discuss which thrift store truely has the most beautiful chequered shirts.
#brainstorm is THE place for digital workers to connect, network, share ideas, and support one another.
We’re a group of designers continuing the conversation past happy hour. Designer Talk is a place to collaborate, discuss new products, find work, or get feedback on what you’re working on.
We talk about UI/UX Design, Web Design, Illustrations, freelancing, Design critiques, give each other feedbacks. Learn from others, teach others what you already know.
0 is a quickly growing community for people to share and learn about all things user experience and product design.
PHP Chat is a live-chat community of PHP Programmers from around the world, on Slack. If you're a PHP Programmer, Then you must join PHP Chat to connect with fellow PHP Programmers from across the globe.
Join Conversation about All kinds of designs and arts. Put your mail id below will send you an invite or go to this site for registration to invite. Who might care to join? Artists, Architects, Illustrators, Painters, Web Design & Developer, Application Developers, Tattooist, Product designers, Sketchers, Cartoonist, Photogapher, Social media marketers, Ad. Companies, and anyone who wants to hire them.
sw-e is a Slack chat discussing software engineering principles and practices. Common topics include architectural design and lifecycle methodologies.
The Revision Path Slack community is for listeners of our podcast who want to network and fellowship with other Black designers, developers, and digital creatives from around the world.
Skillthrive is a community for creatives to connect and learn together. Our members range from complete beginners to seasoned professionals, so you're sure to find a place to fit in. By joining our community you will get support and feedback, meet members to collaborate on projects, discover inspiring content, and much more.
Community for freelancers (all kinds) established to share knowledge, ideas, and best practices around how to get the most out of your business with content marketing. Brand new, get in early!
A place for developers, designers, and students to network and work together to learn new languages, get help on projects, discuss tech, and grow in the industry. This is a place that really focuses on helping others.
Desarrolladores de El Salvador
Online Marketing . Barcelona. 1991.
If AR/MR/VR totally blows your mind, then this is the group for you! The golden era of design is coming. Get ready as early as you can if you don't want to miss the boat! 😊
Developers, designers και οποιοσδήποτε ασχολείται σοβαρά με την πλατφόρμα είναι ευπρόσδεκτος! Στην ομάδα Slack μπορείτε να μιλήσετε live με άτομα του community σχετικά με διάφορα θέματα όπως αρχιτεκτονική εφαρμογών, unit testing, design (UI/UX) ή να λάβετε feedback πάνω στις εφαρμογές που έχετε σε κάποιο store.
This slack team is focusing on the discussion of designers about prototyping tools, UI/UX design trends, web design trends, etc., all topics related to design.
Informal peer learning among library user experience practitioners in the global LibUX Community. Sharing knowledge, tips, links to articles and resources to help passionate people design better library experiences.
A place for User Experience (UX) professionals and enthusiasts to discuss all things UX, UI, design and user research. Featuring regular AMAs from industry leaders, giveaways and more.
Looking to tap into your creativity? Interested in working with amazing clients from the comfort of your home? Driving towards an independent work environment designed to help you grow, CoreAxis provides industry-leading white glove services to our clients and we are seeking highly motivated, creative, experienced consultants with a passion for the Learning and Development and Talent Management industries.
Join 10,000+ UX designers and researchers from around the world to discuss user experience.
Join us in transforming the status quo for leadership and collaboration, making it inclusive, equal, productive and successful. We’re starting a movement for product people who are tired of being stuck. Stuck in meetings that could have been emails. Stuck in workshops without results. Stuck in endless discussions and guessathons without alignment and commitment. We’re looking for the rebels and shakers who want to get shit done and ship successful products. Resilient leaders and talents who are willing to go against the grain and drive change—one meeting and workshop at a time. A collaborative force who wants to empower and learn from each other to, above all else, get shit done.
A place for listeners of the Contrarian Investor Podcast to discuss markets, economies, and investing, podcast guests and episodes. Premium members can interact with the host, with guests, get the latest transcripts, and receive exclusive information on podcasts before they publish.
A private community for thriving designers and beginners that want to learn web design with WordPress and Elementor.
The Tailwind Slack Group is a place for discussing developing and designing with TailwindCSS ( Share tips, tricks, tools, and templates, ask questions, and get advice. Connect with other passionate Tailwind CSS users in the developer and designer community. Note: This group is a user group and has NO affiliation to Tailwind CSS or its creators.
Become a better UX designer with online mentoring. Join our global community of people learning UX and get help from our team of experienced UX, Research and Service Design mentors.
A Slack powered community for creative developers to share knowledge. Talk to the other frontend devs. Learn from others and ask questions. Share your work and find gigs.
1178 Slack groups are listed on Slofile.