This is a community for the discussion of birding-related topics. It's an inclusive, respectful place to network and have fun. It's not affiliated with any organization or cause, and it's not selling anything. Its upkeep is a volunteer labor of love.
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Welcome! Here’s a quick overview to get you started: <[URL]>
Welcome to Birders Slack! If you’re new, please head over to <#CF57UQ9S8|> to introduce yourself. This channel is mainly for team-wide questions and announcements; it includes everyone.
Welcome! Here’s a quick overview to get you started: <[URL]>
Welcome to Birders Slack! It’s great to have you here. Please take a moment to introduce yourself so that future Slackers can see what you are about. Filling out your profile is helpful too.
The gory details of technical efforts and ideas
The gory details of technical efforts and ideas
Channel to specifically discuss Bird ID.
I.e. sharing of audio clips or photos
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All the bird news that's fit to post
Number of members by timezones in UTC. DST applied.