If you are part of any tech community on the Sydney area and you are looking for a place to do network or look for a job join this community.
YOW! is a vendor-independent, not for profit software development community founded in in Australia and now encompassing Singapore, Hong Kong and New Zealand. The aim of YOW! is to bring together internationally recognised speakers and local developers to encourage excellence and innovation in local development communities. We cover the emerging technologies and best practices in the software industry regardless of technological platform or language, and without commercial hype. Since launching in 2008 over 30,000 people have attended YOW! events and we are now the largest independent event organiser in the region for software development. Join our community of passionate APAC software developers - advance your skills through learning from world class speakers and networking with peers.
Professionals for Drug Reform, Australia MISSION STATEMENT Working together to balance professional responsibility with our need to take positive action" GOALS - Provide peer support through social networks of like minded individuals. - Help break down the stigma about drugs and drug reform. - Increase knowledge of the drug reform landscape. - Increase the ability of professionals to effectively manage workplace drug reform issues and conversations. - Broaden networks and increase opportunities for collaboration between professionals in different fields and locations. - Identify opportunities to take positive action on drug reform.
1196 Slack groups are listed on Slofile.