Lock it Down…Pursuing Privacy and truth of the journey in a digital world. Blockchain #parachute8 #awareness #privacy #choice
Parachute8 Is a Salida, Colorado based blockchain technology company.
Parachute8, Inc., a company specializing in decentralized tools for identity management and privacy, utilizing blockchain technology. Our technology is an opportunity for people to add a piece of the future of technology – privacy, control, and ownership to their everyday lives. Parachute8’s proprietary algorithms provide security to participating individuals and companies. Customers will have the right to choose how, where and when any of their information can be accessed. Nearly every facet of information that is currently sent to third parties, from legal and medical records, to personal identification and lifestyle preferences, has a conduit for the customer to send secure information through a Smart Contract. Individuals can update their information in real time. For the first time in history, through a secure public/private key, personal sovereignty can be achieved holistically. It’s imperative individuals own their information. This concept has been in development for nearly two years, and the company is now ready to bring their product to the public.