If you are interested in updates to the project, would like to learn more about the framework, have questions about how to use it, would like to discuss ideas for the framework and discuss and technical philosophies regarding firmware with other like minded people, I encourage you to join the workspace!
Comunidad de profesionales en PHP
Coding discussions around technologies, career skills, and more.
Connect with the team behind mitter.io. Get support with the platform, SDKs to build your next great app.
We're changing the way recruiting works, starting with tech talent first! We're creating an open community for Techruits (technical talent) and Techruitrs (technical recruiters)!
We build open source tools for developers building cloud native applications on Kubernetes. Telepresence lets you develop and debug your Kubernetes services locally while bridging to a remote Kube cluster. Ambassador is an API Gateway built on top of the Envoy Proxy. Ask questions about any of our tools here, or join in the general discussion about cloud native application development.
A group of Data Scientists, Data Engineers and Machine Learning Engineers in New York City that gather to practice through Kaggle Competitions.
Next Reality is the leading Augmented and Virtual reality Slack community with over 2,000 members. Learn, discover, inspire.
Anyone with any amount of interest in Node.js is welcome to join. This is meant to be a very open and collaborative community. A real-time discussion place for literally anything Node.js :)
A Slack community for anyone who lives or works in San Francisco Bay Area
Hackers who like Lord of the Rings and support for GSCRIPT, LAFORGE, etc. - https://github.com/gen0cide/gscript - https://github.com/gen0cide/laforge
The Digital and Computer Arts Organization covers inspiring graphic and web-design topics and opinions and is a growing collective for the digital design minded.
Cross-platform build automation system for C# developers
A Slack team chat for all UiPath & RPA passionates, developers and / or organizations implementing this technology. Use the chat to meet likeminded people or to seek help for challenging problems.
A place to chat about Selenium, Puppeteer, Scrapy, or anything else related to web scraping.
Join the Swift Developer Community in India 🇮🇳. We have a dedicated Slack, Publication, Newsletter and host city-wise meet-ups all around India.
Canton Tech Slack ties together programmers, tech lovers and startup founders from Canton, Ohio and the surrounding Stark County area. Any Ohioian interested in tech or startups is welcome!
A web hosting community. Join and get support, exclusive deals, and more!
Somos famintos pelos objetivos dos nossos clientes.
We are United Designers, a not for profit global community of designers and developers who share a passion for creating. We have a mix of channels geared towards serious design discussion and professional help as well as channels for day-to-day chatting and inspiration.
Codepen collaborations and live coding updates
AppSwitch can be thought of as Docker for networking. It transparently projects a virtual and consistent network view to the applications by interposing the network API and intelligently handles all application connectivity (discovery, security, load balancing) behind the scenes. Applications are fully decoupled from all network level artifacts such as IP addresses.
A place for frontend web designers to talk about element queries and container queries, ask questions, discuss techniques, share projects, and discover plugins.
We're a team of global designers and creators looking to share, learn, and grow with each other.
This is the Slack Team for the UK PowerShell User Group
We are a group interested in the application of artificial intelligence and machine learning in healthcare. This includes everything from automatically segmenting MRIs and CTs with computer vision algorithms, to ML guided diagnosis, to forecasting length of stay, to ML guided drug discovery. We are open to everyone regardless of experience!
Conversations about the use and development of the C++ Embedded Template Library
BZC write jokes and earn money!
This is a community for Digital Creators that want to share their products and want to receive support and feedback on their launches. If you are creating a product and want to engage then join us.
Hello, I'm Vik Wagner and this is wageek.slack. We like have nice and polite conversations on geeky nerdy things like, devices, gadgets, latest news, and any other live envent that would allow us to watch and comment together. I also think that we should have a meetup, so, if you're on the northeast coast (USA) and want to plan a meetup together, let me know @wags
Tech community to federate skilled people
A channel for Salesforce Remote Jobs.
A Slack community for people who run programming blogs to chat, recommend stuff, hang out and maybe even organize guest-posts!
Workspace to play with bots from Bespoken, including Skillbot
Dayton Web Developers.
LiveEdu is building world’s first blockchain online learning platform. Next-gen Lynda.com. We connect content creators (streamers) to learners (viewers) who teach them how to build complete products. We are a Y-combinator company. Unlike many ICOs, our team has no product development or team risk. Join our ICO to change education and disrupt the $46 billion online education market. Our pre-sale is open for bonus pre-orders: $100k+ 40%, $50k+ 30%, less than $30k 25%. Place your pre-order now!
Learn from and connect with engineers who are using Chaos Engineering to uncover critical weaknesses in their systems and level up their teams.
Awesome Game Developmet Studio.
We are already revolutionizing the way how the world does marketing. Want to learn more and join? https://goo.gl/hZX7Z9 As you can see, we are not only making a change in the digital marketing world, but we also create a bridge between it and the cryptocurrency world. In brief, our platform will offer the same advertising service like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and all major social networks, but at least 10x cheaper and more effective thanks to our interest-baseed p2p social platform. Our users which are called "miners" will be able to auto generate monthly profits of over $10k a month. Your opinion means a lot to me and my team, that's why any feedback is more than appreciated. I look forward to seeing you become a part of our growing community and network - https://webcoin.today
It is all about UI/UX design and SketchApp software
Texas PHP focuses on the PHP programming language for Austin, Dallas and other regions in the Texas state area.
The Rust Programming Language on slack. The official team for https://www.rust-lang.org
PHP Colibri Framework
We are a free and public Slack for the Space Coast tech and creative community.
Join Facebook Bot Developers on Slack.
At Pa11y, we think making the web more accessible improves it for everyone. So we publish a range of free and open-source tools to help designers and developers make their web pages more accessible.
1178 Slack groups are listed on Slofile.