Join the members of the London tech & startup scene, including Accelerators (Techstars, 500 startups, Seedcamp, Mass Challenge), Coworking spaces (Wework, Rainmaking Loft, Tech Hub) and people from all across the startup community (Gocardless, Skimlinks, Moo, Stripe, Tesla, Bebo, Spotify, General Assembly, 3beards)... the list goes on!!
#FrenchStartups Deviens acteur de la communauté Slack des Startups Françaises! Tout en un (Networking, Conseils et Beta testers)
The #techbelgium community grew out of a collective desire to facilitate communication between the tech communities in Belgium. This is a Slack community of tech-minded people where we can all talk, share experiences and ask and/or answer questions.
A Slack community for discussing mindful leadership in tech.
MarketingCzSk je komunita pre marketingové agentúry, freelancerov, marketingových nadšencov, podnikateľov a všetkých ľudí, ktorým je oblasť marketingu blízka. Cieľom skupiny je spoznanie sa navzájom, zdieľanie užitočných rád, stratégií a nápadov, šírenie kvalitných článkov, nástrojov a informácií zo sveta marketingu. Pravidlá skupiny: 1. Display name si nastavte vo formate {{Meno}} {{Priezvisko}} 2. No hate!!! Skupina sluzi na pomoc, networking a zdielanie know-how. 3. Piste do relevantnych kanalov!
A Slack community of thinkers, makers, and doers living in or passing through Athens. Share ideas and gigs, get support from fellow freelancers in your city and collaborate on projects.
An open Slack consultation space for IT projects. If you are an entrepreneur, startup founder or product owner, join us and get advice from tech experts.
Avec Slimmo (French), ici on parle immobilier. Investir, trouver son futur chez soit, tout est ici ;) Contient des bots pour Leboncoin, Immocitiz et de nombreux autres services...
Hi this is Lesley I am a Data & BI Recruiter at Manhattan Partners.  Let's connect :)
Русскоязычное сообщество Рестораторов, Поваров, Администратров, Официантов! Выводим ресто-бизнес на новый уровень
Slack community for China Digital Marketing & Performance. An international community for cross-border professionals and those interested in the Two Internets.
Der Blogger Think Tank ist eine Online-Community, die seinen Mitgliedern hilft, besser und erfolgreicher zu werden. Wir erreichen dies durch: Dynamisches Online-Gruppencoaching mit regelmäßigem Q&A für alle Fragen: Bloggen, Marketing, Blogaufbau, Geld im online Business usw… Exklusive Community. Austausch mit anderen Bloggern und Influencern. Eine exklusive, Experten Gruppe für Fragen, Antworten, Support und Zusammenarbeit.
Venez échanger avec des Entrepreneurs du Digital qui ont réussi à vivre de leur passion ! 🌴💕🌍✈️🚀🌞💰
Young&Ventured opens new possibilities for entry level venture capitalists. Join & Enjoy.
Dedicated to founders, funders, business developer, CEO and anyone else whom increase knowledge and business. Here you will find out access to networks, hiring and jobs opportunities as well as we wish you share and sell your services. Jump on our website and contact us with a simple messages " slack connection"
1183 Slack groups are listed on Slofile.