A community of developers who design and code Italian digital public services
La communautés des communautés de Montpellier, on parle dev, meetup et plein d'autres choses !
We're a bunch of creatives, comprising of Product Designers, Print Designers & Design Enthusiasts. All for the ♥ of Design.
The way for Amsterdam's tech people to connect.
The Users' Group of Italian Users' Groups.
Join the members of Munich Tech & Startup scene.
WorthingDigital is a community of locals from various backgrounds with a common interest in all things, digital, media and online.
The Users' Group of the Users' Groups of Bologna!
Online companion to the Brighton Unity 3D meetup run by Brighton Games Collective and hosted at the Skiff
All Figma-, UX/UI-related discussions in the Nordics (Sweden, Norway, Finland, Denmark, Iceland)
Groupe Slack de la communauté technologique de Dijon. On va essayer d'organiser des évènements aussi régulièrement que faire se peut, en attendant venez discuter ici ! -------------------- Slack Team for the PHP Community in Dijon, France. We will try to organise events every once in a while, meanwhile you can come here and discuss! All content will be in French though... PHP, Javascript, web...
Java User Group Bologna
Living, Loving, Working in Ireland
Avec Slimmo (French), ici on parle immobilier. Investir, trouver son futur chez soit, tout est ici ;) Contient des bots pour Leboncoin, Immocitiz et de nombreux autres services...
Der Blogger Think Tank ist eine Online-Community, die seinen Mitgliedern hilft, besser und erfolgreicher zu werden. Wir erreichen dies durch: Dynamisches Online-Gruppencoaching mit regelmäßigem Q&A für alle Fragen: Bloggen, Marketing, Blogaufbau, Geld im online Business usw… Exklusive Community. Austausch mit anderen Bloggern und Influencern. Eine exklusive, Experten Gruppe für Fragen, Antworten, Support und Zusammenarbeit.
neueaffen - Deutschsprachige Community für digitale Nomaden, Perpetual Traveler, New Work und vieles mehr!
We support the Scottish remote working community. To succeed, we bring companies, remote workers and town groups together.
Gruppo Utenti Sviluppatori PHP, gli organizzatori della conferenza internazionale: PHP Day
1196 Slack groups are listed on Slofile.