a global community of startup data scientists, data warehousers, and BI types. We currently have 90 members from all over the world.
the first Internet of Things community
Русскоязычное сообщество для профессионалов творческой индустрии — вся соль дизайна, технологий, медиа и стартапов Стимулом к созданию сообщества явилась традиция к объединению специалистов из всех сфер для активного взаимодействия, обмена опытом и знаниями. Мы связаны общей культурой и не ограничены географическими, религиозными или политическими рамками.
Un grup de Slack format per catalans on es debat sobre tecnologia, startups, emprenedoria, disseny, desenvolupament, apps, màrqueting, esdeveniments, talent, feina i molt més! Slack catalan tech community to discuss about technology, startups, entepreneurship, design, development, marketing, events, talent, founding, gaming, jobs and more!
More than 650 members from all around the globe are talking and sharing experiences in the Pinegrow community on #slack!
Official Public Slack for Mesosphere DCOS.
We are a slack community of Gainesville techies.
A place to learn about all things geospatial.
A Slack team chat for all UiPath & RPA passionates, developers and / or organizations implementing this technology. Use the chat to meet likeminded people or to seek help for challenging problems.
Official Slack chat for WordPress.
A Slack powered community for creative developers to share knowledge. Talk to the other frontend devs. Learn from others and ask questions. Share your work and find gigs.
Paleotronic is your retro-technology destination, celebrating retro-gaming, vintage computing, electronics and more!
a Slack community for MySQL users. We discuss problems, post questions, organize meetups and talk about everything MySQL.
A Community of Top-notch Front End Developers on Slack
DevOps Slack Chat for Server Lovers
Place where infosec professionals and developers discuss the latest news about security, share knowledge and feedback.
A slack community for the content management system for creatives.
Gruppo Utenti Sviluppatori PHP, gli organizzatori della conferenza internazionale: PHP Day
Connect with other security professionals and start sharing your stories, experiences and knowledge with people from across the globe!
Un communauté d'agilistes francophones, déjà plus de 990 personnes !
Slack community for scotch.io
Сообщество разработчиков Ташкента, в Slack Сообщество разработчиков связанных общей культурой готовых делиться опытом и знаниями.
Join our community of like-minded entrepreneurs, designers, developers, & makers. #Launch is a place to collaborate, discuss new products, find work, get feedback, or even find a co-founder.
Slack community for iOS developers.
Blacks In Technology is a tech-focused organization focused on increasing diversity in technology through technical excellence and building connections. Blacks In Technology (BIT) is "Stomping the Divide" by establishing a blueprint of world class technical excellence and innovation by providing resources, guidance and issuing a challenge to our members to surpass the high mark and establish new standards of global innovation.
We are a community of digital enthusiasts in Dubai, willing to learn and help others in everyday work. If you are in Dubai, working in a digital career (marketing, analytics, web development, tech product work, data science, web design), then this place is for you.
A Slack for the most interesting, outrageous & illuminating stories from the world of entrepreneurship - 10k+ users and growing!
TogetherDigital is an association dedicated to accelerating the advancement and growth of women in digital fields by giving women the most powerful tool in their arsenal: one another. This group requires you to have an active membership with Together Digital to join.
Connect immediately with creative founders, startups, VCs, designers, devs, internet marketers, recruiters & freelancers - all the main 12s in Sea Town!
We are a collective of software engineers and programmers in the Tampa Bay Area. Our purpose is to promote a sense of community among local technology organizations and their members. We seek to better communication between leaders, centralize efforts, improve culture, and to support our members in a way that strengthens our community and promotes the common good.
Slack group of female founders and women in tech space.
1175 Slack groups are listed on Slofile.