GSIUXD is the most dynamic and vibrant UX slack community of Indian UXers having more than 17000+ highly engaged members including ux designers, professors, developers, graphic designers, engineers, ui designers, product managers, and students to learn, interact, or mentor in the field of user experience design. In the lost world of UX out there, this community will keep you on track. Your questions won’t go unanswered. Your doubts won’t go unresolved. It’s a place where UX designers and leaders hangout together. Join our instant ux chat group by using the self sign up aka invite.
Meet our top slack channels
#jobs - Post design jobs, or discuss anything that relates to your career
#uxevents - Online and offline UX related events
#ask_questions - Ask a question that doesn’t fit in any of our other channels
#interesting_stuff - Share interesting stuff like design articles
#bookmark_and_resource - Design tools and resources
#design_feedback - Get feedback for your designs
#books - UX books you have read, wish to read, and discussions
#user_research - Best practices on user research
#visual_design - Discuss everything about visual design/product design
#dribbble_shots - Share your latest shots from Dribbble, or Behance
#freelance - To offer, or look out for freelance work
#learning_ux - Level up your design game
#wireframe_prototype - Sketches, wireframes, prototypes
#usability_testing - Discuss how to test the products you build with users
#general - For anything else
Get a self invite at https://gsiuxd.herokuapp.com/